Security Expert In Austin,Texas
Threat Assessment and Management Solutions
Spencer Coursen is a nationally recognized threat management expert who specializes in high-stakes and critical life-safety assessments. Over the course of his diverse career, Mr. Coursen has assessed and managed hundreds of cases involving threats, stalking, blackmail, harassment, and public figure pursuit, and has developed specific management plans for bringing these concerns to their most favorable resolution. He also has a proven track record of success in the private sector working with all levels of fortune 500 companies. He regularly works with law enforcement, district attorney offices, and victim advocacy groups to help ensure the successful prosecution of criminal cases.
Coursen also conducts audits of threat assessment programs and protective policies at global organizations, national corporations, public schools, and private universities.
One of the many benefits of Coursen’s global experience in the realms of military, government, celebrity, and corporate sector security is that it allows for him to draw from the diverse cultural, economic, and political influences which impact outcome in all corners of the globe. His success in negotiating those factors helped him to form a finely focused aperture through which to view today’s emerging and evolving threat landscape. And it is this framework of experience which affords Coursen the ability to provide tailor-designed and time-proven solutions for reducing risk, preventing violence, and shepherding those impacted by a breach of safety toward a return to normalcy.