Physical Security Assessments | Red Teams
If you really want to know just how secure you really are, a security audit is the most effective way to find out just how well your physical, cyber, and personal protection safeguards would stand-up to a real-world threat.
Physical Security Assessment —
This assessment will include a thorough inspection examining the design and layout of your venue(s) while also analyzing the scope and vulnerability-reducing safeguards you currently employ.
An in-depth review of all policies and procedures will be conducted to identify any divisions, gaps, or oversights, which may exist between written policy and observable practice.
Coursen Security Group will also perform a dynamic review of all other services and systems supporting the organizational framework.
We will then compare and contrast our findings to the protective intelligence insights gleaned from open source platforms which often serve as a “research and planning” resource for those would-be-offenders looking to target, harm, or exploit you.
A “Red Team” is a group of security professionals who are experts at breaking into buildings, defeating defenses, and exploiting cyber security systems.
The purpose of a Red Team is to reveal the inherent vulnerabilities of your overall security situation — not by conducting an assessment — but by staging an authorized attack.
Red Teams may also focus their efforts on identifying previously unforeseen health, welfare, safety, and business continuity concerns relating to: supply chain disruption; industrial espionage; kidnap and ransom; corporate travel; misinformation/smear campaign; oppositional research.
IRS 132 Compliance —
This service helps your corporation to reduce your vulnerability and off-set the costs of a personal protection program. According to the Treas. Reg. § 1.132 5(m)(2)(i) “if a bonafide business-oriented security concern exists, a company may exclude certain expenditures related to an employee.”
This stipulation only exists if the facts and circumstances establish a specific basis for concern regarding the safety of an employee and that an “overall security program” has been provided with respect to the employee involved.
Coursen Security Group is routinely retained by corporations and family offices to help assess if the current security program is in compliance with the IRS 132 requirements, and if not, to advise on how they could bring their program into alignment.